Friday, July 2, 2010

Virginia is for Lovers

Welcome to Virginia!
After driving through dense Knoxville traffic, we reached Virginia and made a pit stop. When we were refilling the dogs' water bowls we had a woman and her daughter stop their car to come look at the pups. I think the lady thought we might actually give her a dog on the spot - she told me they were looking for a new dog. She also told me they had a pot belly pig at home!!!! I told her these guys were all New Hampshire bound!

Jenny is back in the driver's seat and we're going to try to find a Jimmy Johns and Starbucks for dinner (she claims there is an exit with both, but we have no clue where!). The dogs bark CONSTANTLY whenever we slow down or stop, but once we start moving steadily on the interstate, they quiet down and sleep. The van is not nearly as smelly as I expected! I might change my mind about that come the middle of the night - it's only been 8 hours after all!

Sidenote: we only saw two cops the entire trip until we reached Virginia. We are only 84 miles in and I have seen five, two of whom had people pulled over. Don't speed in Virginia!

1 comment:

  1. yeah... on yoursend my love to the 'not so nice' Virginia State Trooper who gave me a ticket last time! oh well....
