Friday, July 2, 2010

And we're off!

I am currently sitting in passenger seat of our HUGE van while Jenny drives the first leg of our trip. We were running a little late this morning, but left around 10:30. First Jenny had to be interviewed by Brandon at Fox 6!

*A BIG thanks to Fox 6 for coming out to the shelter this morning for the interview! Stations like this help spread the word about this program and encourages more donations and drivers! THANKS!

Here are pictures of the dogs and our van:
And Jenny driving the enormous van:

Claire with the pups (she's so happy!):


  1. Yay! Hope y'all will post the interview when it's up! So happy to see you got the big van!
    Drive safe Puppy-angels!!
    and ella too!!

  2. Wow- that's exciting!! Please let us all know when the interview is scheduled to appear on Fox6! Send my love to all the pups on board!
